Thursday, June 12, 2008

Monday Night Football

I took these the week we moved. Blake (and Zac) were playing football with the neighbors.
This is a little blurry, but hilarious looking!!

Look at that crazy dog, he would chase the ball and usually beat Blake to it, but then just stand there because he couldn't get his mouth around it.
And here is sister, she is worn out just watching them. She always stayed close when the boys were outside. She dosen't want anything to happen to them on her watch.

Catching up

I am slowly going to get this thing updated. I believe I promised these pics before we moved...oops!! Here are pictures from Hawaiian Falls. Blake's soccer awards night is always a trip to the water park with all of the other players and their families. The kids had a blast even though the water was FREEZING COLD. Here is Blake with his teeth just a chattering!!
Ethan posing for the camera.
Chase and Ethan playing in the water.
Chase had fallen asleep on the way to the water park (shocker, I know) and was less than enthused about his nap being cut short. This kid LOVES to sleep!!

Finallly some pictures!!

OK, so it has taken me a long time to post some new pictures.....we've been a little busy!! The camera was temporarily misplaced for a while, and then once I did find it, I couldn't find the USB cable to get the pictures uploaded. Anyway, here are a few to hold you guys over for a few days (Aunt Amy!!)

Sundays are officially "Sunday Fun Days" around here. Since we go to church on Saturday nights, Sundays are our day to take it easy. We make no plans except to have fun with the kids. Ethan and Chase helped Tony make pancakes last Sunday. Tony said that it took twice as long, but was also twice the fun.

Come on Dad, a little shell never hurt anyone!

"I do, I do, I DO!!!"

We have some friends that gave us a tip about weekends at the neighborhood pool, "Go before lunch!!" It was so nice, we had the place to ourselves!! There was one other little boy that came with his Grandpa, but other than that it was just us. It was SO nice and so much easier to keep up with the boys! I think we are on to something here.

The camera died at this point, so I will have to get some pics of the other boys at the pool this weekend. After we went swimming, we came home and had lunch and the little boys took a nap while Tony did the yard work. We took the boys to see Kung Fu Panda that afternoon. They loved it. Tony and the boys practice Kung Fu fighting every night before bed, so they have been dying to see this movie. Ethan was hilarious. His eyes were glued to the screen the entire time, he would ask us for more popcorn or for his drink, but he never looked at us. Chase was slightly less interested and we had to keep his mouth full the entire time to keep him quiet and still, but he made it!! He would get so excited and start clapping and squealing when the movie got exciting. Blake has had Sports Camp this week. He FINALLY asked to play baseball instead of soccer (Tony was turning flips) so he now has a new glove and bat and is all fired up about baseball. I will try to get a few pics of him in action tomorrow. More to come......

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

All moved in!!

WOW!! We are finally all moved in. We still have a TON of unpacking to do, but we are making some headway. The first week was complete and total chaos. We have been without phone, internet, and cable for 10 days, but hardly noticed!! Blake and Ethan LOVE the new house and were so excited to finally move. Chase was pretty well ticked off for the first 3 days. He cried and cried and threw a few BIG fits. It was so sad to listen to him, "I home, I home Mommy, I home..." He was very angry when he saw his bed in the new house, he wanted to go home so badly. Once we started getting everything settled in his room, he did much better. I even took the boys back to the old house one more time last week to do some final cleaning and they all did fine. I though Chase was going to dig his heels in and refuse to leave but he didn't. Zac. Zoe and Bigirl are doing great! Tony put up a brand new hot wire before we moved them in and they haven't messed with it at al!! We were a little worried that they might scratch on the door or the windows that aren't covered yet, but they haven't. We think that since they haven't been inside here, they don't know any different. They get a ton of shade during the hottest part of the day, so that is good. We have taken them on several walks. The girls do great, but Tony still has to walk Zac . Blake can walk Bigger and Ethan walks Zoe. Blake is loving having sidewalks. He is able to ride bikes as long as one of us is out front with him.

I am charging the camera, so hopefully the next post will contain some pictures for you. Hope everyone is having a great start to summer!!