Sunday, September 6, 2009

Gabriel's birthday

OK, I have a TON of blogging to catch up on. So we will start with the most recent and work backward. Blake's best friend, Gabriel, turned 7 on Tuesday. That means my baby will be 7 in 6 short weeks. I can't believe these two boys are that old. It seems like just last week they were crawling around in diapers!! When we lived next door to each other, we would always have birthday breakfast for the kids on their birthdays. Now that the boys are older, we have to do birthday dinner. It is such a fun tradition we started when the boys were turning one. Lucky for us Double Daves lets kids eat free on Tuesday nights. Michelle and I went with our 8 kids in tow!! And yes, we got some strange looks. One guy asked Michelle if we were babysitting. When she told him that they were all ours, he told her "Well good luck with all that."
Blake and the Birthday Boy, so happy to see each other!!
Lexi and Ethan having desert at their OWN table.
Kyle and Chase
Michelle and Gracie (she did NOT want to stop eating cake and take a picture)
The Gang
Kyle (13) holding Cami (7 mo)
Ethan (4) Lexi (5) Gabe (7) Blake (6) Gracie (2) Chase (2)