Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

OK, so it has been a really, really, REALLY long time since I posted. The holidays were so exciting for the boys this year, but very busy and exhausting for mom (and dad.) I am going to try to do a better job of keeping everyone updated, so please be patient. My camera is on the fritz since before Thanksgiving. I did actually get to snap a few pictures a week or so ago and I will post those soon.

We now have all of the Christmas decorations taken down and put away (well, daddy still has to take down all of the lights off the house) and most of the mess is picked up. Everyone is healthy (pretty amazing since our weather has been a roller coaster of 80s, 20s and everywhere in between.)

I had my doctor's appointment today and have already dialated to a 3!! Really wasn't expecting that news since I am only 36 weeks. Tony stayed here with the big boys and Chase went with me (since he is oblivious to what was going on) so we made a big trip to Babies R Us. It is so funny how prepared I was with Blake and even with Ethan but not with this one. I think that since Chase was a boy and I still had everything from the other two and had already had 2 baby showers I was sort of accidentally prepared. Not with Jim Susie. I got rid of just about everything when we moved (you know, since we were through having kids) So today I put it in high gear once it hit me that I could be having a baby really soon and have absolutely nothing for a newborn. Chasey and I picked up some newborn diapers, pacifiers, burp rags, socks, 2 outfits for each gender, and a really soft blanket that will go either way. I did have the car seat pulled out (only because I had to move it to get to all of my Christmas decorations out) but still hadn't washed the cover or any of that good stuff. I spent the entire afternoon doing laundry so that I can pack a bag not only for me and baby but for 3 big brothers who will be shipped in 3 different directions when the big day arrives.


Jill Cornelius said...

There you are! I was literally thinking of you today and wanted to email you! Wow, a 3! So close... I had Caleb at 37 weeks, so you literally could be any day now... Can't wait to hear that Jim Susie is a little girl... LOL! Or that's my hopes for you guys! Talk to you soon!

blessed one said...

I am so happy for all of you and can't wait to plaster a HUGE bow on top of her head after she arrives! Congratulations!

The Gillaspie Family said...

You sound like me, and I'm only on #2!! I "think" I'm as ready as I can be now...I made my mommy come to my house last weekend to do all the organizing/shopping/last-minute-stuff. At least you've packed!!