Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Boys will be boys!!

I must be doing something wrong because EVERY time I upload pics, they get all out of order...UGH!!! So, we will start with little sister. Cami is now 5 months old. Hard to believe isn't it? She can roll over back to belly in the blink of an eye (belly to back takes more effort, but she can do it.) She is still a mommy's girl and does not like it if mommy leaves for any length of time. She loves her brothers and thingks they are funny, especially when they are talking to her. Her latest trick is blowing bubbles, she really cracks herself up. It is so funny to watch.
Looking more like Daddy each and every day!!

Today we (the kids and I) went to Hawaiian Falls. This has become a weekly adventure of ours and is usually an uneventful one...this was NOT the case today however. For those who have been to Hawaiian Falls...Ethan was sliding down the little red slides in Keike Cove. He slipped and fell, hitting his chin. I thought he slipped while trying to get off though he later confessed that he was trying to climb up the slide. Mr. Greg saw him and asked if it hurt. Well, you know Ethan dosen't want anyone looking at him, so he froze and then ran over to me. I thought he had just bumped it but when I looked closer I saw blood, not a lot it just looked like he had scraped it. He showed Mr. Greg his injury and he thought I should take him to the First Aid center, so I looked at it again. OMG!! It was splitting open right before my eyes, I have never seen blood that dark before. So, off we went to the first aid station. Apparently this was the worst injury they have seen all week because little E drew quite a crowd. They got him all cleaned up and got the bleeding slowed down. The EMT that was there had me sign some paper work and as I was doing so I started to feel a little faint. (Anyone see where this is going??) I sat down for a minute and then decided to go splash some cold water on my face. As soon as I got in the bathroom everything went black and down I went. I never lost consciousness, just blacked out. I could hear people scrambling and I could hear Ethan just jabbering away about the big pineapple on the wall and how much he loved pineapple and strawberries and bananas and..... The same EMT that had just patched E up came and carried me back to the first aid station. They were asking Ethan what my name was and if anyone else was there with us. All they got was that my name was mommy and that we had some pineapple and strawberries and blueberries in our big big cooler and that Blakey was too little to ride the blue and green slides but he goes on them anyway because he is not scared because he is 6 and I am 4 and Chasey is 2 and Cami is not even one.... So glad my little man kept them entertained while I was "away." I finally got my land legs back and we finished the day with little excitement. We got home and our neighbor changed the bandage for us. E was such a trooper, he never cried....even with everyone looking at him. In fact, he almost seemed to enjoy all of the attention.
Daddy got him all taped up for bedtime.

Rewind 48 hours: Ethan loves to play in my curtains. He was playing peek-a-boo with Cami even though I had just asked him to leave the curtains alone. So, what happens? That's right, down come the curtains, rod and all, missing Cami by inches. I don't know how he did it, but he managed to break all three of the metal braces that were screwed into the wall. Luckily, we just happened to have a spare!! (I bought one for the dining room at the same time, but haven't gotton any curtains yet)

Little E has had quite a week....and it ain't over yet!!

1 comment:

Psalm112 said...

So fun to see an update!!

As far as the pics, blogspot has you enter them backwards. So, the very first pic that you choose will be the last one that shows up on the screen. I've learned that the hard way, too.

So, you have to start with the last pic you want and put it in the first "attach file", then work your way down, which is really working your way up in the actual posting.

You can also click on the pic and copy & paste it if you want to move it.

Confused? me too...