Thursday, April 7, 2011

Let's try this again.....

Several people have asked me why I don't blog anymore. There is one reason and one reason only......well, maybe two....Cami and Facebook. Cami is not like the boys in the sense that she is always right where I am (unless of course she ventures off to make a little mess for mommy to find later.) She does not go upstairs and play like the boys did at her age. If I sit down at the computer, she climbs up in the chair behind me or sits in my lap. Do you have any idea how hard it is to type with a two year old in your lap or on your back? That is where Facebook comes in. If I can sneak to the computer undetected for a minute I can drop a quick sentence and get out before she finds me! The only bad thing is that I am not keeping any written record of all the funny things the kids say and do on a daily basis and let's face it, my memory isn't getting any better. Tony and I are constantly asking each other "which one of the kids was it that said that or used to do that, etc." I don't journal or scrapbook, heck I don't even update the baby books! So I have decided to try to get this blog up and going again. And just for the record, I am not going to try and back track over the past 13 months because I know me and I know that I can't remember what happened last month much less last year.