want to know what we have been up to? Hmmm, where do I begin....
Tony took all the boys to the race track last weekend. His original plan was to take the big boys and leave Chase and Cami with me. However, he did not make his plans known, so by Tuesday afternoon Blake and Ethan had little Chasey all fired up about going to the track. Luckily for Tony, Chad agreed to go with him so they could watch the boys and the race. Mom came up Friday night and we started getting ready for a garage sale while Tony packed for the track. Saturday was a long, long, LONG day. I started getting sick on Friday, so by Saturday I felt horrible. Blake had an 8:00 t-ball game, so Tony took him and Mom and I stayed at home with the 3 little kids and ran the garage sale. When they got back, we loaded up everything to go to the track and then headed to Ethan's soccer game. By the time I got home with Cami, Mom was finished with the sale and we headed into Dallas to do a little shopping. Needless to say we were exhausted from the day's events.....and then the phone midnight.
Tony: Hey honey, Chase is whining a lot. He was asleep but he woke up and wants me to hold him.
Me: hold him
Tony: He is really whiny.
Me: Goodnight.
Ten minutes rings again.
Tony: Now he has a fever....what should I do....I am afraid that if I give him Motrin, he will just run a fever higher and longer tomorrow.
Angela: Well, you are probably right.
Tony: I don't have any Motrin here with me.
Angela: Well, I think you are closer to Walmart than you are to the house. Go ahead and give him some Motrin and see if he will at least make it until you come home.
An hour rings again. (Yes, it is now after 1:00 AM)
Tony: Gave him the Motrin...he puked all over me. He is crying for his mommy and says he wants to go home.
Angela: Where do you want me to meet you (keep in mind we are a good hour and a half from the track)
Tony: I will just bring him home so we don't have to move car seats on the side of the road.
So Tony gets him home around 2:30 and he has a fever of 101.5. Against our better judgement, we gave him more Motrin. He finally went to sleep, but when he woke up his fever was 103.5. He felt so bad. I was glad Tony had decided to bring him home, especially when his fever spiked to 105.9. Thankfully Nana was still here and could help out when both kiddos needed attention. Monday morning he woke up fever free and wanted to go back to the track with his Daddy. Uncle Chad brought the boys home that afternoon while Tony took the motor home and traier back. Then it was time for t-ball and soccer practice...and school the next day. Oh and lets not forget all of the dirty laundry that they brought back with them.
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