Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Cami!!

I have totally and completely neglected this poor blog for almost 5 months and am catching some grief, so here you go!! I am going to attempt to get caught up, so we'll start with the most recent. And yes, I do realize that I have missed Blake and Chase's birthdays as well....I'm getting to that!!

First of all let me just say that I can NOT believe that a year has passed since we got the biggest shock of our lives. I will always remember Tony saying, "It looks like another b...IT"S A GIRL!!!" There are days that I still can't believe it. I was absolutely convinced that I was having another boy. After the initial shock wore off, we did start dressing her in pink and putting big bows on her bald head. Her brothers, especially the younger two, insist on her wearing a bow all the time, it's really kind of funny. For the longest time she kept them on, but now she will fling them off...anything to make the brothers laugh. She absolutely adores her big brothers. Blake is very good about watching out for her. She loves to be with them, up in the gameroom, on the trampoline, wherever they are she wants to be a part of it and they wouldn't have it any other way. Ethan and Chase were so excited when she started standing. I remember them playing in the gameroom and Chase said, "OH NO!! OH NO!!" Ethan tells him, "I'll go get mom." Here he comes down the stairs, "Mom, Mom, we are going to need some help up here, Cami is standing up all by herself!! She mastered climbing up the stairs when she was 9 months old and is now a pro at coming back down. She loves her Daddy and calls for him all day long, all the while Chase and Ethan are telling me that she wants ther Daddy as if I don't hear her. She is a very busy little girl for sure. Blake and Ethan were walking at a year, Chase at 14 months, but not baby sister. She took her first steps at 10 months and was walking by 11 months. Although we did not have a huge first birthday bash, we did celebrate with family. It was perfect. We went to eat dinner at Olive Garden, had some desert and opened some presents. Here a few pics from her special day.....
Top: Love this face!! And yes, you have seen this face before....Chase was always making squishy faces.
Bottom: I know the quality is bad and my finger is in the way, but just as they were bringing her cake out, she reached up and flung her bow off her head.

Peek a Boo with Daddy

Cams and Aunt Amy waiting on a table...not sure why Aim looks like a lobster??

Alright, that's all I have time for. I will get another post up soon.

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