Thursday, February 11, 2010

Summer has begun!!

So, obviously this is a catch up post. These are pictures from last June. We probably only went out on the boat 3 or 4 times, if that. It just gets too hot and the lake water is just nasty when it is 100+ degrees out. The boys had a blast and Cami didn't seem to mind at all!!
Top: Cami ready for her first boat ride
Bottom: Chasey LOVING being on the lake

Top: Cami all ready to go!! We did this with Chase too. Tony and I have to keep our feet on the bouncy seat frame to keep it from going bonkers. Because the boat is small, the waves can sometimes be a little rough so the bouncy keeps them from being jarred around too much.

Bottom: Cruising the lake

And here is Chase, not loving the fact that it is time to go home. Classic.

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