Thursday, May 1, 2008

What's going on in my world, you ask??

Ok, several of you dear friends of mine are bugging me about not blogging. Seems you are wondering what in the world we have been up to....................lots and lots of packing!! It dosen't sound very exciting, I know, but those of you who truly know us also know that everything we do ends up being a bit more exciting than we anticipated. I have vowed not to move any junk to the new house and since we have been here for 7 years there is plenty of it to be weeded through. Packing with 3 little boys is oh so much fun. Chase loves to unpack, which could prove to be helpful in a few weeks, but right now it is not helpful at all. He was not excited when I started packing his room. Blake was obviously very irritated with his lack of enthusiasm about the impending move as he told him in his most serious big brother voice, "Chase, if you want to play with these toys in the new house mom has to put them in a box for you, now be quiet." Ethan, having no concept of time, thinks that we are moving TODAY....HOORAY!! It is going to be a long 3 weeks. Last week, Tony took Ethan with him to go and register the boat and trailer so we can get her in the water legally. We thought that Ethan would enjoy the one on one with Dad. Well, Monday morning Ethan explained to me (with his hand on his hip and his other pointing) that "Ethan and Blakey and Daddy and Chase Ryan are going in the diesel, going to take the fishing boat to the lake....and you are going to cook us dinner!" Poor, misguided child. I know he has been disappointed, it has been so windy this week that there is no way we could go out. Blake is VERY excited about moving. He has gone with us to look at the house several times during the construction process (the little boys usually fall asleep on the drive over there) and just wants to know how many more days, what else do they have to do before they finish.....etc. We went by yesterday and the guys were there laying the wood floors. I think all they have left is carpet and appliances and then the final trim work and touch ups.

I have been without my camera for a week and a half now, so sorry there are no pics to accompany this post. I meant to take a few at Tony's game tonight, but ended up leaving it in the car and was way too tired to go back and get it. Last Friday we took the kids(plus 2 more) to welcome home one of our troops. We had a small ceremony in the park as the Mayor had declared Friday April 25th to be Michael Geraci Day in the city of Rockwall. Congressman Ralph Hall presented him with an American Flag that had flown over our nation's capital. The Geraci's have a little girl that is one day older than Chase and it was so fun to see their family reunited after being seperated for the past year. Again, no camera:( I promise to post some soon.

I will leave you with this, what I got to listen to on the way home from the game tonight (we were in seperate cars because Tony had a double header and we didn't stay for the second game since it was so late)..........

Chase-"I do! I do! I do! I do! I do! I do! I DO! I DO! I DOOOOOOO! I DOOOOOOO!!!!!"..............."ma ma ma ma ma ma ma ma....MA Ma Ma....MA!!....MA!!!...MA!!!..."

Ethan- "uh becuz, uh becuz, uh becuz, your sturban (suburban) is too too slow, we have to take Blakey's car seat, take Ethan's car seat, take Chasey's car seat out of the sturban and get in Dad's diesel uh becuz, uh becuz, uh becuz Dad's diesel is super fast. Dad's diesel is faster than Dimmmie Dohnson (Jimmie Johnson) faster than Jeff Gordon faster than Junior........."

Blake-"Mom, you are almost on E...Mom, there's the Rockwall city limit sign, now we are in Rockwall......Mom, whose water tower is that? Can you spell Rockwall, I can, R-O-C-K-W-A-L-L see, I didn't even have to look at the water tower I just know how to spell it, do you know how to spell Fate? I do, I can also count to 101......1,2,3,4,........56, 57, 58, ..........98, 99, 100, 101...Mom, does 102 come after 101 or does 200? Mom, are we in a city or a state? Mom, are we still in Texas? Mom, will you tell Ethan to be quiet while I am talking? Mom, you are going 60 miles per hour, did you know that? Did you know that I can count to 60?......."

And yes, all of the above was going on simultaneously (just in case you were wondering)!!


Jill Cornelius said...

Okay, you're excused for the lack of blogging. Your car sounds about like mine most days. Except we usually get some screaming in there between Maddie and Haidyn. Then Caleb chimes in too if he's not in a car-riding mood. When you get in the groove with the camera again, I want to see pics of the new house!

Amy said...

LOL! Oh boy what I have to look forward to! We were in the car today for about 4 hours and all we heard was kids crying! Doesn't bother me much but it drives Craig crazy!

Where did/are you moving to?