Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A week in review

Sorry there aren't any pics (Amy) but we still had an exciting week and I want to write it down before I forget....

Ethan somehow got his finger wedged in a hinged drawer slide. Blake, being the helpful big brother he is, pulled it out before Tony and I could get in there. We really thought that it was broken at first because it was so swollen and seriously discolored, not to mention that the skin was gone from the knuckle to the nail on top and then in two strips on the underneath side. Ethan is a tough kid. He rarely cries or complains when he has an injury, so the fact that he cried all afternoon and refused to eat was a bit concerning. Chase was so sweet to him. He knew that something was bad wrong with his big brother. Every time Ethan would start to cry, Chase would go over to him and start crying. It became less "sweet' and more annoying as the day went on. One screaming kid is bad enough without any sympathy crying from little brother. Thankfully, Ethan is doing much better. (And no, Blake did not get in trouble for pulling his finger out, however his Daddy did teach him how to get something unstuck from a hinge.)

Blake lost another tooth (that makes 2.) on Thursday morning. On Friday, we got up and going early because Blake was going to spend the weekend with Nana and Papa (my parents.) I met mom halfway, which is about an hour drive. Ethan had gone to work with Tony, so Chase and I went and dropped Blake off. Well, apparently Chase didn't understand that he was going to come home with me. When we got back home he had a major meltdown. He was crying for Blake and Nana and Papa and ended up crying himself to sleep. I called Nana and let her know we had made it home and that Chase was MAD. Nana was heartbroken when she heard how unhappy Chase was so she told me to pack him a bag and call her when he woke up and we would meet halfway. (Yes, this is twice in one day.) I really thought that Chase would wake up and forget about it...WRONG!! He woke up screaming which is totally not like him at all. I asked him if he wanted to go to Nana and Papa's and he said "Ches." I asked him if he missed Blake, "Ches." So we loaded up and hit the road......again. Chase was so excited to see Nana, but he let her know that he was not happy with her for leaving him. (Yes, Nana is a SUCKA for the cuteness!!) So, Blake hung out with Papa and Chase hung out with Nana and all were happy.....especially Ethan. This sweet middle child was SUPPOSED to be an only child, I am quite certain. He loves his brothers, don't get me wrong, but he loved the alone time with Mom and Dad so much that he never missed them. Ethan is going to spend this weekend with Nana and Papa (and Chase, Nana isn't making the same mistake twice) and Blake gets to be the only child. Blake is already concerned about being the only one here with us for the weekend...."can't Chase stay, or maybe Ethan wants to stay here with us." Hmmm, you are probably right Blake, I think Ethan would love to stay here and send you and Chase back to Nana and Papa's!!!

Jim-Susie had a doctor's appointment today. This kid is definitely keeping everyone guessing. The hearbeat was 154 today (it has ranged from 137 up to 166 and all points in between.) And although last month's measurement was 10-12 days ahead, today it was right on. So now everyone who thought that this was another boy because it was so big is now second guessing. It will be so much fun to see what we get. No, I don't have a "feeling" either way. I have had dreams both ways. It is hard to imagine having anything but a little boy, that is all we know around here, but as Blake tells everyone...we'll just take what God gives us because only He knows (well, Him and the doctor.) Blake absolutely loves to feel the baby move, he thinks it is so funny that Jim-Susie already knows how to Kung Fu Fight. He hugs and kisses on my belly all the time. Chase and Ethan follow his lead, but don't show the belly any attention unless they see Blake loving on it.

What else?....Oh, this is Daddy's favorite....As I dropped Chase off at school this morning the other kids were at the table working puzzles and one little boy had a duck that he held up and said "quack-quack" Chase looked at me and said, "BOOM BOOM, SPLASH!!" I am hoping that no one else heard him or was able to understand him. How embarassing is that, the kid isn't even 2 yet!!

Until next time...........


Party of Five said...

You totally stole my baby name (Jim-Susie)! You're a name thief. I should report you to the authorities!

Angela said...

Yes, but I did give you credit for the name in a previous post. Anyway, Ethan dosen't say Jim-Susie, he calls the baby Bim-Susie oe Ben-Susie.