Tuesday, February 17, 2009

What a difference a week makes!!

Well here is the abbrieviated version....Cami had been having some trouble feeding. Her suck-swallow-breathe pattern was really not organized at all and she was gulping and choking while nursing. It had just started when she had her 2 week check up and the pedi said that she could have the same trouble that Chase had, but left it up to me to decide whether or not to do the swallow study. So after watching my baby struggle to breathe when she ate, we had the study done. I wanted so badly to be wrong about this..... She is aspirating. We are having to thicken her milk and feed her from a bottle, not something we are accostumed to around here. She was doing so well with her routine when she was nursing. I don't think we heard her fuss at all. Well, that has all changed. She is pretty well pissed off at me for holding out on her. So sad to watch her face when I feed her from the bottle. She is taking 4 ounces at every feeding (only takes Miss Piggy about 10 minutes) but still has the need to suck and dosen't really prefer the pacifier. I am trying to pump to keep up with her demand, but since pumping dosen't come easy for me I don't know how long that will last. We have had to give her 2 bottles that were half formula and she spit up afterwards, not good since she aspirates that as well. We will repeat the study again in 4 weeks and HOPEFULLY she will be able to resume nursing.

1 comment:

The Gillaspie Family said...

Hey girl...don't beat yourself up about it. Abby is now doing pumped bottles for half of her feedings, and the other half is formula. I decided that she needed to eat, and if this is how we'd get her fed then so be it. Her pedi reminded me that every child you have is different, so don't feel the need to compare, if one nursed longer than the other. Just feed! :) Hope you are having a good day....