Sunday, March 22, 2009

Catching Up

I don't think I ever posted any Christmas pics, so here you go. These first two were taken on Christmas Eve. Tony has a migrane, Blake is in sensory overload, Chase didn't get a good nap, and Ethan does not want anyone looking at him (shocking, I know) and then there is mom- tired and VERY pregnant.
After church, the boys and I took Tony home and put him to bed and then we went to go eat and look at Christmas lights. They got to open one present each (always Christmas jammies) and go to sleep with all the Christmas lights still on. This is one of my favorite pics of my boys, and one of the last ones before little sister joined us.

Can you say REDNECK!! Chase and Blake love duck season...almost as much as Daddy!1
Yes, Blake is "playing" with the ducks as Tony is cleaning them. This day, he became verry attatched to "Flutter." He kept petting it and saying "It's OK Flutter..." Well not really, but OK. Flutter is now sitting in our freezer! Poor confused child.

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